FOH Task List


Amelie's French Bakery is a bakery that is based in the Charlotte area. They specialize in cakes, pastries, bread, and coffee.
During our downtime our front of house workers had a hard to find things to be productive in. In addition, some of the maintenance task that the restaurant need for up kept haven't been done in a consistence manner.
Front of house Manger
Product design
To create product in which help to increase productivity among the team while also maintaining the building upkeep.

Research Question
1.) What are some ways to increase productivity within the team?
2.) What are some working flows that can be irate?
3.)What are some of the FoH Journey through a shift?
4.) What are the hierarchy of task that need to be done?
5.) What are ways to system work ethic in the work place?
I took this time to interview different managers to see their view of productivity. In addition, to see their view of which task are rank by priority. Lastly how do they keep productivity up.
Interview script:
1.) what are your idea of being productive in the work place?
2.) What are some task you a sign to your worker on y'all down time?
3.) How do you figure out what cleaning/maintenance needed to be done for the day?
4.) How would you rank cleaning task from highest priority to least priority?
5.) What are some task you feel need to be done daily/ Weekly/Monthly?
6.) How would you like to be communicate that a task was done from other manger?
Interview: Findings
• Throughout the interviews I found out that It's hard to find task for the FOH workers
• A lot of mangers feels some task need to be know everyday and some some weekly task.
• mangers wants a way to organize task that needs to be done.
Pain Point
Things not being overlooked
we working in a fast pace environment. There are a lot of things that needs to be done and there are lot of things that being over looked. we make sure we are productive and FOH workers are productive.
Make sure not one person nor shift are doin to much of the work. creating a system where work is spread a part equality to promote fairness.
We have long store hours. a lot time mangers to see each other throughout different shifts and work days. finding a way where certain task are not getting down repeatedly.

First Iteration
I created a system where I gave a stick note full cleaning task that need to be done by in of their shifts. Each worker had their sticky note that needs to be done and completed.

Usability study
During this month I study how FOH worker and other mangers interact with the sticky notes. To see how effective the sticky notes are with the work place.
Usability Study: Finding
Easy to distribute the sticky note FOH worker. give them since pride
Still not as easy to communicate with other manger.
It's hard to track the progress weekly or even monthly.

I create multiple Task sheets for opening, closing,weekly, and monthly cleaning task. These task has organize from most priority to least priority. they are print and laminated so they can be reused. Have a checked box so other manager can know what was accomplished.
Moving Forward
Increase productivity on the company down. building increase and maintain cleanliness throughout the week. Allow a manger communicate better through shifts.
What I Learned:
I learned that doing the proper research and interview gave me percpective on other people journey. which found a solution that can meet major of people goals. In which better the company goals and objective .