Josie's Flower Shop

Josie’s Flower shop is a local florist who offer beautiful arrangements. The typical clients are 25-46 and most clients are local couples or Community event coordinator. The goal is to reading a simple ordering process for their online process .
March 2023-April 2023

Available online website check-out process was confusing with to many steps while design was inconsistent.
To design a flower shop reponsive website to be user friendly by creating easy to use flower ordering flow.
User research: summary
I conduct interviews, which I then I turn into a empathy map, to better to understand and their needs. I discovered that many of their clients where business professionals who don’t have time to go to a florist to pick an arrangement and the men are limited florist arrangement knowledge. Many flower shop websites are confusing and hard to order same day and hard to track the delivery of the arrangement.
User Pain Points
Product Knowledge
Website design where busy which can cause hard to navigation
Flower arrangement is a specialist skill. So it hard make it hard for user to make a decision
Online ordering process it’s not engaging to the users.
User persona

User Journey Map
Created a journey map for jack to help experience using the site to identify pain points or any other place for improvement.

Lo-FI Prototype
To create low-fidelity prototype, I connect all screen to the primary user flow of adding items to the cart and the checkout process.
At this point I had feedback from my design from different people about adding new fields,button,and adding to the flow. I took serval suggestion that help improve on the pain points of user.

Hi-FI Prototype

Take aways
Our target audience felt like the design was simple and easy use. The design made easy to compare arrangement and the likeability of the flowers.
What I learned:
I l learn that simple and clean design can help user to navigate the site the most effectively. In addition I learned to create responsive Web for different Platform device.
Next Step:
Conduct a follow up usability study to make sure flow meeting user needs
Designing a tracker flow for the follow product. This can increase the user engagement
Create a arrangement fact card. In order to help with the User pain point of product knowledge.